Cuchillo Firebird by Ganzo F7542 (Negro, Verde, Naranja)
Descripción del cuchillo Firebird F7542:
Ganzo F7542 Firebird es un cuchillo fácil de manejar y multiuso que es ideal para usar al aire libre. Su peso de 120 gramos, la grapa de fijación y el orificio en angular del mango para el cinto hacen que este cuchillo sea móvil – transportarlo es realmente fácil. Hay tres colores para elegir, se puede elegir el diseño para el equipo en general.
El material de la hoja es el acero resistente a la corrosión de fabricación estadounidense 440С con el temple hasta 58 HRC. Sus características cortantes son altas, permanece afilado durante mucho tiempo. La resistencia al desgaste también es buena, debido a lo que se puede utilizar el cuchillo durante mucho tiempo.
La cuchilla está hecha en la forma clásica de drop-point. Sus habilidades de penetración y corte son altas, trabajar con tal cuchillo es fácil. Resulta que la cuchilla en esta forma es universal y multifuncional.
El mango está hecho de un compuesto llamado G10. El material es moderno y duradero: puede soportar incluso las cargas de choque fuertes. La asa de G10 es completamente antideslizante, incluso en condiciones de alta humedad o baja temperatura.
El cierre está hecha por la tecnología de autor G-Lock. Esta es una versión actualizada del fijador Axis Lock. Se distingue por su alta confiabilidad y seguridad: funciona incluso en arena, barro y agua, y también excluye la posibilidad de prensado accidental de los dedos.
- Tipo del elemento de fijación – G-Lock;
- La hoja está hecha de acero 440С;
- Longitud del cuchillo (abierto) – 210 mm;
- Mango de composite G10;
- Peso bruto – 120 g;
- Longitud de la cuchilla - 89 mm;
- Anchura de la mocheta – 3,3 mm;
- Afilado regular.
Garantía: La alta calidad de los cuchillos F7542 Firebird se comprueba con la garantía de 1 año de la empresa Ganzo.
Tipo de cuchillo | Plegable |
Tipo de cerradura | G¡-cerradura |
Borde de cuchilla | Plano |
Punto | Drop Point |
Material de cuchilla | 440C |
Color de cuchilla | Gris |
Material de mango | G10 |
Color de mango | naranja, negro, verde |
Longitud total, mm | 210 |
Longitud de cuchilla, mm | 89 |
Grosor de cuchilla, mm | 3.3 |
Peso de cuchillo, g | 120 |
Garantía | 1 año |
Cuchillo Firebird by Ganzo F7542 (Negro, Verde, Naranja) reviews
I have had two F754's for a couple of weeks now and I really enjoy this knife a lot. It is very comfortable to carry and to hold in any type of grip that you can think of. The stone-wash blade looks very nice. At first I wondered why they didn't put a sharpeners choil on the blade, but it looks ok the way they designed it and the transition from blade to ricasso is fairly nice, I just hope it keeps looking good after I have had to sharpen the knife a few times. That is the only part of the knife that I have any concerns about, and those are minor. I really like the handle, it is comfortable and light. The skeletonized liners helps to keep the weight in a good range. I am so glad that Ganzo started to do that to save weight on their knives. The lanyard hole is super generous, and it is nice to see something other than just a round hole all of the time. The blue anodized hardware is nice too. Ganzo has perfected thier process and now each piece of hardware looks to be the same shade of blue, but I do wish the knife had the option to come with just regular satin hardware and have the blue hardware sold as a separate bling / customizatioin kit - along with some ultra deep carry pocket clips too. The pocket clip they use is the trusty one they have on most of their knives, and it is very functional and comfortable. The thumbstuds are far enough back so that they don't get in the way if you are slicing an apple or something, so that is another good thing. And both of mine came VERY sharp from the factory. Their sharpening process is getting better over time. It has always been good but now it is great. I say, if you think you like how the knife looks in the pictures then you should buy one because you are going to LOVE how it feels in the hand.
Thanks so much for your detailed feedback! ! As a worthy member of big Ganzo family, this knife has high level of durability and reliability. Ganzo - unwavering quality combined with affordable price.