Cuchillo Ganzo G724M (Negro, Verde, Naranja)
Descripción del cuchillo Ganzo G724M:
El diseño plegable del cuchillo Ganzo 724M lo hace muy conveniente para usar cuando se viaja a las afueras de la ciudad. En la posición cerrada,el tamaño del cuchillo es solo 11 cm. Al mismo tiempo Ganzo 724M se transforma prácticamente en um segundo en un cuchillo listo para trabajar, que tiene la hoja de 8 cm. Con su ayuda es muy fácil cortar los alimentos para cocinar en el fuego. Y la cuchilla ancha con un espesor de 0,3 en el lado de la mocheta es suficientemente masiva para pode cortar las ramas no muy gruesas o preparar cascabeles para un fuego. El material de la cuchilla es acero inoxidable 440С ampliamente difundido en la industria de cuchillos. Este grado de acero es perfecto para los cuchillos de propósito cotidiano y modelos turísiticos. Resiste efectivamente la formación de óxido, no se desafila durante mucho tiempo cuando se usa. La dureza del metal se estima a nivel de 58 unidades según la escala de Rockwell.
En el mango del cuchillo de este modelo hay las placas de nylon reforzado con fibra de vidrio. Su superficie está decorada con un patrón texturizado, que también juega un papel práctico, mejorando el agarre del mango del cuchillo con la piel durante la captura. Así, incluso con las manos mojadas, el cuchillo no se saldrá. También en el mango hay un pequeño clip de acero inoxidable. Con su ayuda, el cuchillo se fija en la correa de una mochila o en un cinturón para estar accesible siempre. La misma acción puede ser realizada con una dragonera para la cual está hecho un agujero en el extremo del mango.
Dado que el Ganzo 724M es un cuchilla plegable, la cerradura para la cuchilla juega un papel importante en su diseño. En este caso, está utilizada la cerradura Axis Lock, que permite abrir y cerrar el cuchillo con cualquier mano. Este mecanismo de bloqueo se considera uno de los más confiables y elimina completamente el funcionamiento accidental de la cerradura. Su única característica es que es importante mantener esta cerradura limpia.
- el cuchillo está hecho de acero de grado 440C;
- dureza del metal de 58 HRC;
- el tamaño de la cuchilla es 8 cm;
- longitud del cuchillo abierto es 19 cm de longitud, y la del plegado es 11 cm;
- peso de la herramienta - 124 g;
- tipo de cerradura - Axis Lock;
- material del mango - nylon reforzado con fibra de vidrio.
Garantía: Para el cuchillo Ganzo 724M se otorga una garantía de 1 año.
Tipo de cuchillo | Plegable |
Tipo de cerradura | G¡-cerradura |
Borde de cuchilla | Plano |
Material de cuchilla | 440C (56-58 HRC) |
Color de cuchilla | Gris |
Material de mango | G10 |
Color de mango | Negro, Verde, Naranja |
Longitud total, mm | 190 |
Longitud cerrada, mm | 110 |
Longitud de cuchilla, mm | 80 |
Grosor de cuchilla, mm | 3 |
Peso de cuchillo, g | 124 |
Garantía | 1 año |
Cuchillo Ganzo G724M (Negro, Verde, Naranja) reviews
A good Chinese knockoff of a Benchmade knife. I got this knife because of the price and that it has a blade lock similar to those made by Benchmade Knives. I got it for a "What if" spare knife. I am very pleased with the knife that I got and I have no problem recommending this knife for a good budget lock blade knife.
Had mine for a while now. Great knife. Fits well in hand. Came hair shaving sharp. This is 54 years of experience talking. Get this beauty while it's still inexpensive.
Dear Eric, thank you for feedback! G724 - ideal correlation price-quality, great Ganzo knife. Enjoy your Ganzo!
One of my favorite Ganzo knives. Too bad it seems to be out of production. I could only grab one of the last orange ones (not a nice looking orange btw, next time use a brighter neon color). Would for sure buy a couple more in black and green if they were still available. I would love to see another batch of those produced. Or even better, a new model with ball bearings and slightly bigger size than the G724 as I got quite big hands and the G724 just barely fits in hammer grip but already is a little small for other grips. Still, the combination of blade length, thickness and shape with the very nice handle makes it one of my most beloved Ganzos.
Dear client! It's nice to read that you love our knives. G724 is a model, which combines good quality and high level of functionality. Thanks for your kind words and interest to Ganzo!
I agree with A Ganzo user. The G724M is one of the best Ganzo knives I own. Is there any chance you are going to put them back to production? Or even better an improved version with ball bearings. I love the size, blade thickness and blade shape of the G724M and would like to buy more of them if they were available.
I prefer bigger knives as I got large hands. This is for sure one of my favorite Ganzo knives (with the G720 being my no°1 pick). I hope they run another batch of these or make an improved follow up. I would buy a few more of these.
Dear client! G724M is a qualitative and reliable model. Its dimensions allow to do all types of work during the country rest and to keep it compactly in the backpack. Thanks for your feedback. Continue to enjoy Ganzo!
I just recently bought this off of amazon for 9.95 USD, I was looking for a beater knife for my nephew and ended up falling in love with it. I love the axis lock but thought it would be extremely stiff or some other kind of issue with the quality. However I was highly mistaken the quality of the over all knife is impressive, it was razor sharp straight out of the box, I have enjoyed this knife in just the few days I have had it, I will be ordering some others to feature I my YouTube channel, keep up the great work.
I can't fin Ganzo G724 at GearBest. Have you stopped making them? Great knives!
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